
高齡化社會新衝擊:台灣監獄高齡受刑人之處遇與評估 The New Impact of Aging Society in Taiwan: the Treatment and Assessment toward Elder Adult Inmates

  • 發布日期:
  • 最後更新日期:109-05-13
  • 資料點閱次數:960

● 中文摘要:


  我國隨著人口結構逐漸高齡化以及「一罪一罰」、「重刑重罰」的刑事政策觀念推展,我們可以預測,未來將有更多的高齡初犯以及因為刑期的個別計算並加總後,而使受刑人在監獄中度過更長的時間,甚至在監獄中邁向老年。因此,高齡犯罪也將會逐漸延伸成為高齡受刑人的收容矯正以及社會復歸等許多可以預見的問題(任全鈞, 2006; 林順斌, 2008)。本研究之主要目的為瞭解台灣地區監獄中收容之高齡受刑人的身心狀況、矯正成效以及生活適應等問題,主要研究方法、目的及成果如下:一、 透過結構式訪談方式以會議面談進行與高齡受刑人的對談,深入瞭解台灣地區不同類型之高齡受刑人(高齡初犯、高齡累犯、長期收監高齡犯)在監獄中之生活情況、身心適應狀況、人際關係、監獄內外社會支持系統、犯罪意識、矯正動機、釋放後之人生規劃以及再犯可能性評估等議題。二、 以半結構式訪談所得結果為依據,參考先行研究以及各項理論並結合監獄實務,建立高齡受刑人監獄生活適應量表、高齡受刑人服刑態度量表等工具,建立以科學化、客觀化、嚴謹化的量化工具指標做為未來監獄方面評估高齡受刑人生活適應及矯正成效之重要參考。三、 本研究透過學術嚴謹之質化以及量化研究方法進行從不同的角度面向清楚釐清高齡受刑人之監所生活面向,並結合學術以及實務,建立未來我國高齡受刑人矯正實務作為其對應策略之參考。 


● English Abstract:


     As the rapid increasing of elder population in Taiwan, aging problems have become serious social and welfare problems in Taiwan. Among these problems, the most serious issue is the increasing of elder crime. The percentage of inmates over 60 years old represented more than 7% in 2011, it means that there are more and more elder inmates will spend their elder life in the prison. The present study focused on first offenses who are older than 60 years old and has been imprisoned in the latest half year. By using the structural interview method, we interviewed 10 elder inmates imprisoned in the Taichung prison in Taiwan, at 10 and 14 December, 2011. The 10 elder inmates were all male, and the average age was 67. The names of the offense were fraud(6), theft(2), and sex assault(2). All of the subjects reflected that they can not adjust the prison life very much, especially the problems of lack of living support instruments and environments, the problems of getting alone with young inmates and the rules of prison. We also found that elder inmates showed strong desires of the social support from the human relationships outside the prison, especially from their family,on the other hand, elder inmates showed strong distrust toward staffs in the prison and the human relationship inside the prison. In conclusion, we found that because of the lack of nursing care of elder in the prison, elder inmates spent hard lives there, and they felt psychologically deprivation very much about their situation. Not only elder inmates, but also staffs of correctional systems felt huge pressure of taking care of elder inmates. The most difficult problem is the treatment of diseases. In order to improve relatives problems of aging prison, the Ministry of Justice in Taiwan has developed a emergency guideline of treatments toward elder inmates, and improved the living support instruments of elder inmates in the prison. 


● 文章連結:


● 資料來源:

政府研究資訊系統 GRB
