
“維基式犯罪預防”-從日常生活理論談網路犯罪預防模式 Wiki Crime Prevention-What Routine Activity Theory Teaches Us about Cybercrime Prevention

  • 發布日期:
  • 最後更新日期:109-05-13
  • 資料點閱次數:825

● 中文摘要:


  為協助政府單位或民間建立有效的網路犯罪防範機制,本文擬從Cohen與Felson在1979年所提出之「日常生活理論」出發,分析網路犯罪之成因與預防模式。首先,本文將先檢討「日常生活理論」是否適用於解釋網路犯罪的問題;其次,透過日常生活理論所提之三要素:可能的加害者、合適的標的物以及監控缺乏,討論網路犯罪形成之原因;最後,依據日常生活理論,本文擬從犯罪機會、標的物與監控三方面,提出有效的網路犯罪預防模式。  本文認為,目前網路犯罪問題,在全球法律尚未一致,以及跨國犯罪導致執法困難的情況下,應轉向思考如何強化標的物以及減少犯罪機會的角度出發。由於目前大部分的電腦使用者都是使用「封閉式軟體」,因此網路犯罪的預防以不再是「自掃門前雪」的觀念,而應轉向「維基式犯罪預防」,透過用戶集體的力量,找出軟體的漏洞並進行預警。此外,還可以透過開放原始碼,集合大眾的力量對軟體漏洞及時進行修正,以避免攻擊的發生。


● Englishc Abstract:


     This paper discusses Routine Activity Theory (RAT) and Cybercrime prevention. It examines the applicability of RAT to cybercrime and, through the three elements of RAT, the structure of Cybercrime. Based on RAT, it proposes some possible ways to prevent cybercrime.
     This paper argues that, due to transnational characteristics of Cybercrime, Cybercrime combating requires all countries to have consistent laws and regulations and Cybercrime investigation capabilities. However, in circumstances of inconsistent laws and regulations and difficulties in investigating Cybercrimes, it suggests that a combination of target hardening and opportunity reduction measures should be emphasized.
     Cybercrime prevention strategies should not be modeled on traditional crime prevention strategies. This paper proposes ”wiki” crime prevention-that is, users' collaboration online to find breaches and vulnerabilities in software and sharing information on remedial action. Instead of waiting for software companies to fix a breach or vulnerability, it suggests that open source programs should be promoted so that people can devote themselves to the correction of the breaches and vulnerabilities and use the Internet to share information on solution to Cybercrime problems.


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