

  • 發布日期:
  • 最後更新日期:111-07-06
  • 資料點閱次數:97

● 主管機關:行政院國家科學委員會

● 執行機構:國立東華大學社會暨公共行政學系暨研究所 

● 研究期間:10208 ~ 10307

● 中文摘要:

正視社會問題與犯罪問題,可使大眾清楚認識社會中的犯罪現象,能夠理性分析台灣社會的偏差與犯罪現狀,並藉以形成防制與解決之共識。本計畫預期:一、藉由分析犯罪事實,讓讀者瞭解如何辨別媒體可能藉由新聞來誤導民眾的思維,以避免仿效犯罪行為的產生。二、加強犯罪問題背後社會深度意涵,來釐清我國犯罪問題的產生原因。三、透過社會問題探討與重視,來思考讀者與社會的關係,反思讀者自己本身角色與社會問題的連結。四、藉由科學辦案精神,引發讀者思路的釐清,以科際整合之整體觀點來探討犯罪問題產生因素。 結果完成63篇討論「青少年犯罪與偏差行為」、「性犯罪」、「侵犯智慧財產權、隱私權」、「家庭暴力犯罪」、「酗酒行為」、「社會結構變遷與犯罪」、「媒體犯罪新聞報導效應」、「法律規範」、「犯罪偵防」等九個面向的科技新知報導;並且完成30篇討論「金融與白領犯罪」、「死刑存廢」、「更生保護」、「探討物質濫用成癮犯罪」、「都市環境與犯罪防治」等五個面向的專題報導。 此外,為培育科普傳播人才,並推廣犯罪科普知識,舉辦採寫實務與學科專業的訓練課程、公民新聞平台培訓、廣播節目製作研習,同時架設facebook粉絲專業、舉辦犯罪問題與社會科學傳播營隊、開設「社會問題」、「傳播與社會」課程、並在教育廣播電台製播廣播節目。

● 英文摘要:

The project is proposed according to the following rationale: 1. Media shape the way our society thinks and relates. Especially, social scientists argue that there exists positive correlation between media viewing and fear of criminal victimization. Some studies even commented that criminals imitate plots from the media stories. 2. The crime news and stories are always full of the details of modus operandi, but few of coverage discusses about why the crimes are committed, what the impacts of violation of the rules or laws are to the public, and how the problem is solved properly. 3. Different types of crime can serve to finding the ways to prevent and solve the crime issues. 4. The crime issues should be explored in a multidisciplinary way. Based on the above-mentioned motivations, the purpose of this project is to open the window of social science on the topic of crime and society, and to promote the role of popular science on the crime issues by communication articles. We considered some kinds of the criminal or deviant behavior, the crime phenomena related with social structure and media coverage, and study the transformation on laws and regulations, criminalistics, and rehabilitation and protection. So we’ve finished 53 articles. We also made 5 special reports on particular issues, such as white-collar crime, death penalty, the relationship of social structure and the crime, and the prevention of crime in the urban environment. We publicized our articles by a way of setting some website and blog, producing a radio program, setting an open course ware, and holding a senior high school student camp on crime and social science.

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