

  • 發布日期:
  • 最後更新日期:111-07-06
  • 資料點閱次數:134

● 主管機關:科技部

● 執行機構:國立政治大學法律學系 

● 研究期間:10408 ~ 10507

● 中文關鍵字:


● 英文關鍵字:

Parole; mandatory parole; conditional release; community treatment; recidivism; prison over‐crowding; rehabilitation; long‐term incarceration prisoner

● 中文摘要:

在刑罰嚴厲化的趨勢下,原本強調社會內處遇功能的假釋制度也受影響,而成為刑罰嚴厲化的一環,這使得假釋的門檻日趨嚴格,且假釋的運用也越來越消極,並進一步使我國監獄超收、長刑期人口增加等問題惡化,如此不僅造成機構內處遇的品質下降,也將影響機構與社會的妥當銜接,增加受刑人復歸社會的困難。過去針對假釋的研究,多集中在假釋的權利與救濟、假釋的審查與檢討,或者是假釋再犯的預測。而本研究將從政策面出發,以「必要假釋」(mandatory parole)制度與相關的處遇措施為研究對象,希望透過比較各國制度及實際的運作方法與成效,來對假釋做制度上的檢討。在必要假釋制度下,並不考慮「悛悔實據」之類的實質要件,只要受刑人具備形式要件,服滿一定的刑期,就必須予以假釋,因此應該有助於提升假釋的比率,另外也因假釋時間確定,機構與受刑人可提前準備復歸社會之銜接事宜並規劃在社會內的處遇,故對於相關處遇的探討亦為本研究之重點。本研究希望釐清假釋制度在刑事政策上的意義,探求社會內處遇落實的方法,並回到我國的法制及實務現狀,評估必要假釋制度在本土法制發揮功能的可能性,最後達到促進假釋制度的運用、減緩超收問題,並協助受刑人復歸社會之目的。

● 英文摘要:

There are several problems in Taiwan’s Parole system and practice. First, it becomes more and more difficult to get released by parole, in law and in practice. Second, the discretion of parole aboard has been criticized to be arbitrary. Third, because the “get tough” in parole and other crime policy, prison over‐crowding get more serious. We have good‐time system in Taiwan, but it’s early release without supervision. Besides, many prisoners are released without parole. It brings about the problem of recidivism and prison over‐crowding, but no good resolution has been taken, especially about parole. Mandatory Parole would be an option, but needs more discussion and examination. Besides, parole is an important way to improve community treatment. But to ensure it’s effects, we needs to pay more attention in it’s practices.

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