

  • 發布日期:
  • 最後更新日期:111-07-21
  • 資料點閱次數:70


● 執行機構:中央警察大學行政警察學系

● 研究期間:9804 ~ 9811

● 中文關鍵字:犯罪預防;專線;環境犯罪學

● 中文摘要:


1、政府應該設置有關之犯罪預防專線,且應該擴充專線之功能,不能僅止於提供諮詢服務,而應該能夠針對求助者之問題提供必要之協助,方能進一步終止其犯罪動機。 2、倘若政府要設置犯罪預防專線,委外較自行建置為宜,委由民間公益團體或是宗教團體辦理較為理想。 3、對於設置犯罪預防專線的成效評估確實「很難評估」,概成本方面還好計算,但效益方面則較難計算。 4、近期建議 (1)優先改善及強化現有犯罪預防專線功能較增設新的專線重要。 (2)持續評估現有犯罪預防專線之功能。 5、中長期建議 (1)未來應不斷評估檢視其他犯罪類型的需求而適時增設新專線。 (2)來若須再建置可優先考慮設置「青少年求助專線」。 

● 英文摘要:

The purpose of this study is to do literature reviews of criminal intent and evaluate the practicability and possibility of “Crime Prevention Call Center”. How are people’s view points of this call center? What are their options and thoughts from criminals, probation officers, academics and scholars of research area of crime prevention and the common people? If this so-call “Crime Prevention Call Center” is feasible, what will be the best way of setting this platform? by running it from government funding only? or private sector? or public-private partnership? What is the good structure of human resource and cost expenditure? How do we measure its performance of crime reduction? Will it hit the target of people’s expectation and government’s spending of crime prevention? At the end, the findings of this study will be presented and further suggestions and feasible study of setting “Crime Prevention Call Center” will be submitted to Minister of Justice of Taiwan.

● 文章連結:


● 資料來源:

